My First and Beginning
Hello guys, it's the first time i write in this blog. Hope it's not so weird to tell like this. Haha -__- Well, cause its the first time to write in this blog, lemme just tell you all about myself My name is Astri Wulandari and you can call me Astri, Wulan, Luna, etc. Its free to call me anything you want. No hurt feelings. Pinky promise (y) I was born at July, 28, 1994 on a place called Tebing Tinggi. Oh no, it doesn't mean a high valley. Its a town in North Sumatera, Indonesia. Yes, I'm Indonesian. Surprise? Yeah, me too. Haha Oke, gue emang orang Indonesia. Tapi sok Inggris juga gpp kan? Hehehehe Btw, gue nulis ini dengan dilatarbelakangi lagu Justin Bieber lhoo *siapayangnanyacoba* Oh ya gue udah bilang belum sih kalo gue ngefans sama si Bieber ini? Belum ya? Yaudah, saya ngefans sama dia tapi ga sampe fanatik amat lah, just admire. No biggie lol Ebuset gue norak amat ya perasaan -__- Yea, I'm not a good story teller. But I think I'm funny enough (membang...