"I Love You Most....."

Mother : "I love you dear..." Rapunzel : "I love you more, mommy" Mother : "I love you most...." I think that's the sweetest dialogue I've ever knew :) its dialogue is from the movie "Rapunzel, A Tangled Tale" Source : google.com This is the BEST MOVIE of the year, imo I've watched this movie twice at theater and never get bored and i would like to see it again its so entertaining there's a laugh sad romantic and so on scene so i was wondering how my life would be if I live like Rapunzel trapped inside the tower for about 18 years! i cant imagin oh btw i love the tower, its awesom Source : google.com my favorite part in this movie is when Rapunzel and Flynn Rider was on a boat to see the light that was so romantic and the song is reallllyyyyyy great here is the picture and lyric : Source : google.com Mandy Moore & Zachary Levi - I See The Light Rapunzel: All those da...