I love being 18!

Source : Google I'm on my late 18, almost 19, just by 4 months again, when I realized that I love being 18! My 18 is so awesome ♥ ♥ Many great things happened in this age I taught children in elementary school and orphanage Even though I am not being a 'real' teacher, because most of it was just having fun with them But still, it did count as a teacher This year I had a good friendship with people from another country And we still keep in touch, sometimes I went umroh and this is the best part of my 18!!! I can not forget about this experience ♥ ♥ Living in KSA was just amazing and the best thing I ever had in my entire life Living there made me feel like I was really close to Him I wish I could stay there I wish I could come back soon!!! *finger cross* 18 is the age when I start wearing veil!!! It is because umroh I hope I will not tempted to take it off and there are a lot of things happened in this age why? why? why I just realized it now th...